Luteal Phase Defect Symptoms

The luteal phase defect symptoms are usually important for the women who are planning on becoming pregnant. This is a problem that can make it difficult for women to conceive and it can also lead to miscarriages. This is why it is important to know about the possible symptoms.

Common Symptoms of Luteal Phase Defect

One of the most important symptoms that women should keep an eye out for is having a luteal phase shorter than ten days. Although some women can get pregnant if their luteal phase is of only ten days, they could have some trouble later. If this phase lasts for less than ten days, it will be almost impossible to get pregnant.

Charting the Menstrual Cycle

In order to recognize the LPD defect signs you should chart your menstrual cycles. It is a known fact that when women ovulate, their body temperature increases, so this is a sure sign to look for. If you keep track of your body temperature, you will see the length of the luteal phase.


When looking for the defect symptoms of LPD, women should know that they shouldn’t take into consideration the day of ovulation or the first day of their period. If the results give you less than ten days for your luteal phase, the best thing you can do is to see a specialist about your problem.


In case you don’t want to chart your menstrual cycles, but you are interested in the signs of luteal phase defect you should be alarmed if you had two or more miscarriages in the past. Nonetheless this is a symptom that needs more research to be accurate.


The miscarriage could be one of the luteal phase defect symptoms because the lining of the uterus isn’t well developed enough to maintain a pregnancy and it sheds too early. Even if you never charted your cycle before, having several miscarriages might determine you to do so.

What to do about the Warning Signs of Luteal Phase Defect?

If you find out that you are affected by the problem, there are some creams that contain progesterone. These can help you lengthen your cycles. Naturally before you start using any kind of medication you should see a fertility specialist to make sure that you don’t have some kind of underlying condition.

As you can see, there aren’t as many luteal phase defect symptoms as you might think.

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Luteal Phase Defect Symptoms was last modified: March 27th, 2014 by Swathi
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