Know More About Prolapse, Falling Of Your Pelvic Organs!

In women, the main support structure that holds the pelvic organs include the association of muscles, ligaments and the skin surrounding the vagina.

This network mainly helps as the support for holding the pelvic organs and tissues surrounding in that region.

Sometimes, these supporting parts can eventually weaken or breaks down which results in vaginal prolapse.

Prolapse exactly means to fall out or slip out of place. In medical terms, it is the condition where certain organs such as uterus, fall or slip out of place.

Vaginal prolapse is a condition in which pelvic organs such as uterus, small bowel, bladder, urethra and sometimes the vagina itself begins to prolapse and need surgery for replacement.

How can you determine that your vagina is prolapsed?

One of the most common ways to identify the vaginal prolapse is the sensation of replaced or fall of vaginal structures. Sometimes, you can feel that something is falling down through your vagina or dragging sensation could be felt. Some of the most general symptoms to identify the different types of vaginal prolapse are given here.

  1. Whenever your pelvic organs tend to slip or fall out, then you can feel severe pain during the intercourse.
  2. Pressure or pain in vaginal region is also a symptom for the falling of organs.
  3. If you notice any lump at the opening of the vagina, then it can be a sign for prolapse of pelvic organs.
  4. Reduced pressure or pain whenever you lie down.
  5. Regular or recurrent urinary tract infections can also cause vaginal prolapse.

There are several types of vaginal prolapsed, some of them are prolapse of rectum (rectoscele), bladder (cystocele), prolapsed uterus, falling of small bowel (enterocele).

Some of the symptoms which are specific to these types of vaginal prolapse are:

  1. Constipation, this is most common symptom for prolapsed rectum.
  2. You can feel difficulty in emptying the bladder when you have prolapsed vaginal structure.
  3. Increase in pain during long periods of standing. This is also a common symptom for prolapsed bowel, urethra and uterus.

Whenever you find these signs of vaginal prolapse, it is always advisable to consult a doctor for proper treatment at right time.

Kegel exercises: These are the exercises specially meant for prolapsed pelvic organs. These exercises can help you in tightening the muscles and tissues around your pelvic region. Kegel exercises are useful in treating mild and moderate cases of prolapsed vagina.

If you have prolapsed vagina or any pelvic organs, then you are not supposed to lift heavy weights. Pressary is a small device which is used as a support for your vagina. These devices come in several types. The use of this device is considered as non surgical treatment for this abnormality.

Know More About Prolapse, Falling Of Your Pelvic Organs! was last modified: March 9th, 2012 by admin2

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