According to the latest studies regarding uterine fibroids, these have a greater impact on African American women’s lives than in case of women of other ethnicities. In their case the symptoms are more severe making life almost impossible for them and making them miss work.

Increased Impact from Uterine Fibroids on African American Women

Latest Studies

The most recent publications in the medical world claim that the chances of African American women to develop uterine fibroids are three times higher than in case of other women. In the same time these women tend to develop the condition at a younger age.

Where to Look

In case you are interested in the topic, you might be interested in reading “The Burden of Uterine Fibroids for African American Women: Results of a National Survey”. The publishers of the writing really focus on the concerns, symptoms, and the life quality problems that African American women have to face. They also add that these women have to struggle more with the condition than their counterparts of other ethnicities.

Possible Solutions

The researchers claim that early intervention can decrease the need for hysterectomy and thus it becomes possible for women to maintain their fertility and have children. This is why the government should raise awareness among women to go for screening more often to find the problem as soon as it arises.

The Importance of the Problem

Uterine fibroids result in increased morbidity among African American women, but the condition can be deadly in case of women of other ethnicities as well. It is the duty of health care providers to bring into women’s attention the possibility of them having this problem. In the same time, if women have symptoms that are even remotely similar with the symptoms of uterine fibroids, it is a must to run tests to find this condition.

Concerning Outcomes

If the condition isn’t found in time and it isn’t treated, it could turn out to be fatal for the patient. However, if the condition is found, but it isn’t found on time, the only solution might be for the patient to have a hysterectomy. As a result the condition will be taken care of but it will become impossible for women to get pregnant.

The sad truth is that the majority of people including a lot of women believe that uterine fibroids is a condition that only happens to other people and they don’t even think about looking for it.