Generally speaking, fibroids are benign tumors that could occur in any of the organs of the body that are made up of connective or fibrous tissue; however when we speak of fibroids treatment, the reference is usually made to uterine fibroids that may require medical attention.

There are surgical options, minimally invasive options such as ultrasound, prescription oral medications and so called alternative and complementary treatments that can be used to manage or resolve uterine fibroids.

Fibroids TreatmentContrary to what many women believe, actual fibroids treatment is required for a small fraction of all women who have fibroids.

An estimated 20 to 40% women may have fibroids at some time in their lives, but for a majority of these, there may be no symptoms of their existence.

Fibroids treatment is usually indicated only when the symptoms of the condition become painful, inconvenient or troublesome, such as-

  • If there is abnormal bleeding or very heavy or painful periods
  • Abdominal pain and/or bloating
  • Painful sex
  • Pain in passing stool or problems with urination
  • In rare cases, fibroids could cause infertility
  • During pregnancy, fibroids may cause problems such as early labor, bleeding or miscarriage
  • In about 0.1% (one in a thousand) cases of fibroids, there is the chance of cancerous fibroids

So if any of the above symptoms or problems present, it may become necessary to obtain treatment for fibroids.

Though surgical solutions to fibroids such as hysterectomy or surgical removal of fibroids are available, these should be viewed as a last resort option.

Minimally invasive fibroids treatment such as uterine fibroid embolization are among the more modern methods of fighting fibroids, which use a technique to shrink fibroids by starving them of a blood supply.

There are also many other ways to tackle the problem of fibroids and treatments may include –

Medicine to control fibroids – Oral medications may be prescribed to keep the symptoms of fibroids under control and manageable. Mediations can also help to shrink fibroids and for many women this may be very effective uterine fibroids treatment.

Ultrasound treatment for fibroids – Another way to resolve fibroids is to use ultrasound techniques. Magnetic resonance guided focus ultrasound uses focused ultrasound waves to destroy fibroids without damaging surrounding tissue.

This in particular is a good option for women who want to have children or want to use a fibroid treatment that is uterus preserving and who want to avoid surgery.

Natural fibroids treatment options – There are many herbal remedies that claim to cure fibroids, however these treatments may not be approved by medical authorities such as the FDA and their efficacy and safety may be dubious.

Also the possibility of drug interactions means that these so called herbal cures should not be taken without clearing them with a doctor. Diet modification and/or diet supplements is another way to treat fibroids naturally and non invasively.

Fibroids are seen to occur more commonly among overweight and obese women. Exercise and other lifestyle modifications to lose weight can be effective fibroids treatment as well.