How Changes to Female Hormones Affect Women Over Time

Female hormones affect women differently through the different stages of life. Hormones have a great influence over the life of men and women, and it is important to understand them. This is especially the case for females, who seem to be affected on a much greater scale.

By understanding how the mind, emotions and body are all affected by hormones, it is possible to minimize the effects that they have.

The Start of Hormones in the Body

Many people believe that hormones only start to play a part during puberty. This is completely wrong and they affect the body from birth.

There is often a small amount of breast development at a newborn age but there are theories that this is from estrogens that are passed on from the mother to the baby since even baby boys will see this.

There is also a production of prolactin in the baby’s body, which is thought to be due to the fact that the estrogens are leaving the system. This also links in with some of the breast enlargement that is seen at a young age. This breast enlargement usually disappears after a few weeks as the hormones start to settle down.

Female Hormones in Puberty

There is no doubt that the hormones do develop more during puberty, which helps with the development of the body. Girls will notice that breasts will enlarge and start to shape like a woman’s and there will be hair forming under the arms and around the pubic area. The hormones are also part of the reason behind the growth spurts that occur.

As a girl gets older, her periods will also start which is when the growth spurts stop. These periods will be relatively irregular at first and can take a few years to settle down in a pattern since the hormones will continually change.

The hormones will also create a lot of changes, emotionally as well as physically. It is normal for a female to struggle with the different emotions felt as the hormones drastically change. This can lead to angry outbursts or just constant bouts of crying. This is completely normal but does get easier to deal with as more is understood about the hormones and the changes happening.

The Female Sex Hormones

Estrogen and progesterone are created by the ovaries and these are known as the female sex hormones. These female hormones help with the development of the breasts and also lead to the maturing of the female organs – the vagina, fallopian tubes and the uterus.

The hormones also lead to where the fat is placed around the body, which most will end up on the hips, thighs and buttocks. This is designed to help with protecting the female organs and to help a baby.

Testosterone is also created in a woman, which will lead to the growth of bone and the development of muscle.

Estrogen and progesterone are both essential hormones to help with the menstrual cycle. It is the hormones that dictate when the eggs will be released and the periods will begin. An egg will become ripe and will then be released into the uterus. When the egg is not fertilized, the hormones will drop and the period will start. When the egg is fertilized, extra hormones are created.

Hormonal Changes in Pregnancy

The most common change in the female hormones in during pregnancy; the amount of estrogen and progesterone will remain high so there is no period. At the same time, another hormone is created. This is the human chorionic gonadotrophin, the HCG. This is developed from the placenta and will help to create more estrogen and progesterone to help with supporting the pregnancy.

As the HCG increases, the home pregnancy kits are able to read it, which will lead to a positive pregnancy test. During pregnancy, the normal hormones will be produced by the placenta instead of the ovaries, which will lead to the womb becoming thicker and more blood circulating around the body. This also leads to muscles relaxing to be able to make space for the baby to grow into.

The female hormones change throughout a woman’s life and continue to change into menopause, when the amount of estrogen drops dramatically. All of these changes will affect the way a woman thinks, feels and the way the body looks. They are required for different stages but it is important to understand them to avoid them taking over.

How Changes to Female Hormones Affect Women Over Time was last modified: November 25th, 2011 by Swathi
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