Endometriosis Pain – Causes and Treatment

Endometriosis pain might be difficult for women to handle and it could interfere with their daily life. The pain can be constant but it also could be cyclical and it may coincide with a person’s period.

Causes of pain associated with endometriosis

Besides the pain that you may feel during your period, this kind of pain could appear in other parts of the month for other reasons. For example, there could be pain connected with ovulation, pain coming with the inflammation of the pelvic cavity, pain associated with adhesions, pain associated with urination, pain while having bowel movements, pain during general movements, like standing or exercise and there could also be pain during intercourse.

Nonetheless the pain associated with endometriosis is at its peak during the period and this is why women dread this part of the month.

Emotional pain

There could also be emotional distress that the majority of people don’t take seriously. The major problem is that this kind of pain isn’t visible. Nobody actually knows what is wrong with you because on the exterior you could look just fine.

What kind of pain?

Society in our days thinks that pelvic pain is normal, and since women believe this too it takes a long time for women to see that there is something actually wrong with them.

In case you feel like you are in more pain that you should, it may be time to get yourself checked out by a doctor.

Location of the endometriosis pain

Usually the pain occurs in the pelvic area in the form of cramps and the sides of the pelvis.

Treatment the endometriosis pain

To improve the quality of your life, you could start with some changes in your diet, find natural remedies or take supplements. Taking drugs for pain associated with endometriosis could not be the best solution because on long term it could have side effects.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

These are medications meant to make pain manageable and also to decrease inflammation. There are numerous different kinds of drugs of this kind, such as Aspirin, ibuprofen, keprofen, and naproxen.
Remember not to use codeine in case of endometriosis pain because it can cause constipation and pelvic congestion, making the symptoms worse.

GnRh agonists

These kinds of drugs are gaining more and more popularity among women when it comes to controlling pain associated with endometriosis. GnRh is the short form for gonadotropin releasing hormone and these are used for the treatment of endometriosis. They change the levels of hormones in the body and their use results in a chemically induced menopause.

This kind of solution for endometriosis pain seems to be working in case of some women and it also helps shrinking the implants. Nonetheless these drugs also have side effects that might affect different women in different ways.

Usually these are used to manage pain associated with endometriosis for half a year. The side effects include the possibility to lose bone mass, but this is said to recover a little bit after the treatment has stopped.

Do you feel like you are able to cope with endometriosis pain?

Endometriosis Pain – Causes and Treatment was last modified: October 27th, 2011 by admin3
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