The Cystocele Symptoms and What Comes with Them

When it comes to women’s health, there are a lot of people who are talking about cystocele symptoms. What is in fact cystocele? This kind of disorder usually occurs because of pregnancy and childbirth. It is known that in order to facilitate intercourse and childbirth, the walls of the vagina have a certain level of elasticity.

In case of vaginal childbirth, the walls might get stretched, resulting in prolapse. The women with more children are more likely to have this kind of disorder.

The menopause could also cause cystocele, because the estrogen levels increase and this could result in the degeneration of the pelvic muscles.

Other causes of cystocele include obesity, genetics and chronic constipation.

The signs of cystocele vary depending on the grade of the degeneration. In case of a mild cystocele, there could be no symptoms, but in case of the severe cystocele, the symptoms are quite severe.

The symptoms of cystocele include a certain level of pressure in the pelvis and the vagina, especially after spending a longer period of time on foot.

Also the symptoms of cystocele include difficulty in starting and stopping urination and there could be an increased urinary frequency.

It is also one of the cystocele symptoms to be unable to empty the bladder after urination. Usually women also experience difficulties regarding coughing, straining and bending down. As a sign of cystocele it could also appear that you lose your urinary control, especially in case of coughing, laughing or sneezing. Another sign of the disorder is to experience often urinary tract infections.

In severe cases it is possible to have an extrusion of the tissue; it is one of the symptoms of cystocele for the vagina and the bladder to protrude outside the vaginal entrance. Regarding sexual intercourse you have to think about cystocele symptoms if it results in pain or urinary leakage.

It is just natural that the treatment of cystocele is to be according to the severity of the disorder. In case of the mild disorders when there are no actual symptoms it can be easily treated through self care exercises and physiotherapy.

In the matter of more severe disorders there is need for the use of pessary. This is a kind of device that is placed in the vagina in order to hold the bladder in place. In some cases the doctor could also suggest a tampon or diaphragm as an alternative for the pessary. Nonetheless these are usually just temporary solutions because there is need for a surgery to take care of the symptoms of cystocele.

In case of the severe disorders there is need for surgery. During this the doctor places the bladder back in the right place, and in some cases the pelvic muscle is also tightened while some of the stretched tissue might have to be removed.

In case you experience any of cystocele symptoms you should not hesitate to contact your doctor or specialist so that the problem would be taken care of as soon as possible.

The Cystocele Symptoms and What Comes with Them was last modified: October 31st, 2011 by Swathi
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