Did you know that aside from breast cancer, cervical cancer also causes high mortality rate in women over the years?

Cervical cancer HPV is tagged as a high-risk disease caused by hpv virus types 16 and 18. It doesn’t choose its victims but studies proved that women who are sexually active are prone to it.

cervical cancer hpvThe normal symptoms of cervical cancer HPV are not easily detected until a pap smear test verifies the presence of the virus. In some cases, women experience the following symptoms later on:

  • Irregular vaginal bleeding and contact bleeding
  • In rare cases vaginal mass may also be an indicator of the carcinoma
  • If there is pain during intercourse or during the vaginal discharge then there may be a possibility that one has contracted the cervical cancer HPV.


There’s no need to panic if you have acquired cervical cancer hpv since there are treatments for this medical condition. Technology has improved the chances of surviving cervical cancer.

Pap smear is a very common method that can help detect the formation of cancerous cells and viruses in the cervix. Doctors recommend regular pap smear tests if you are detected of having cervical cancer.

The following treatments are recommended in treating cervical cancer:

  • Lymphadenectomy: This is the most common method in treating cervical cancer. The lymph nodes are removed through surgery to prevent the spread of the cancer cells.
  • Radical trachelectomy: The cervix and the tissues around it are surgically removed, though the uterus stays. Women who still want to get pregnant opt for this treatment together with lymphadenectomy.
  • Radical hysterectomy: This treatment includes the removal of the uterus, cervix and vagina. For severe cases, even the ovaries, lymph nodes and fallopian tubes are completely removed.
  • Bilateral salpingo oophorectomy: In this treatment, the ovaries and fallopian tubes are removed. Oftentimes, it goes together with hysterectomy.
  • Chemotherapy: This is perhaps the most popular and effective cervical cancer hpv treatment available today. Chemotherapy prevents the spread of cancer cells and stops them from multiplying. However, there are many factors to consider like the type of cervical cancer, its stage, and the health condition of the patient.

Though these treatments are effective, they can greatly affect a woman’s fertility. Women who wish to keep their fertility intact opt for an operation such as cone biopsy or trachelectomy.

On the other hand, if you’re pregnant your doctor will have to postpone treatments right after you deliver your baby.

Cervical cancer can now be prevented, thanks to modern science. Vaccines are now available to help protect women from this killer. Gardasil HPV is tested and proven to protect the body from harmful strains like the HPV types 16 and 18.

However, the most effective preventive measure is to avoid having sexual contact. If possible, stick to only one partner.

Avoid having intercourse with strangers or having multiple sex partners since these can only increase your chances of acquiring the deadly virus.