Breast pain in one breast might be a symptom that worries several women. Some might ask, is this a symptom of cancer? Some might even get paranoid and get depressed.

Other women might be fearful to see a doctor and what the results of the diagnostics would eventually prove.

Before taking things into one’s own hands, you must ask yourself these questions: Is the pain occurring in just one breast? Is the pain related to the patterns of menstruation?

Breast Pain in One BreastOne must be aware that breast pain occurs in 70% of women. A study conducted in Edinburgh Breast unit proved that in 8500 women who sought consultation due to breast pain, less than 3% is actually related to cancer.

If the breast pain in one breast is related to one’s menstrual cycle, then most probably, the etiology of the pain is due to the cycle of hormones that fluctuates monthly. Having breast pain during one’s period is a very common occurrence.

Usually, the pain starts a few days before one’s period. It is characterized by tender, bloated breasts that are painful to touch. Although some could actually tolerate the pain, some others need to wear a soft bra in order to cushion the bloated areas.

Some movements such as running, walking and jumping might actually aggravate the pain during this period.

The intensity of pain usually heightens when one is in her 20’s or 30’s. Consequently, the pain subsides upon reaching one’s menopausal period. Some might experience the pain in the later years but generally, the pain ends.

Cyclical breast pain in one breast or both breasts is not generally related to cancer. It actually occurs due to the rise and fall of the female hormones. In order to alleviate or reduce the pain, a woman could actually do several things.

In order to achieve a comfortable sleep, one could make use of a soft bra at night. It must not be too tight but fit just right.

This would serve as a cushion when one moves while sleeping. Furthermore, one might consider halting strenuous and high-impact exercises such as jogging, strength training and aerobics. Doing such things could actually place more pressure on the breast area thereby increasing the sensation of pain.

For women who are taking hormone replacement therapy (HRT), stopping the intake for a while might prove to be beneficial in controlling the rise and fluctuation of the hormones. Taking oral hormones usually increases the estrogen and leads to the increase in breast pain.

If the above mentioned interventions do not offer relief, prescriptions from one’s doctor would prove to be relieving. Some NSAID’s (Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) are actually given for intolerable breast pain in one breast or both.

The drug comes in the form of NSAID cream which is massaged on the area three times a day. NSAID’s are known for their analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. After several months of using the cream, some women report a feeling of relief from the painful sensation.

In addition to NSAID’s, Danazol, Bromocriptine, Testosterone and other drugs are also utilized in the relief of cyclical breast pain.