Breast Cancer Prevention

Breast cancer is the commonest cancer, affecting women and it is the second highest killer after lung cancer. With the rising incidence of breast cancer, women are becoming more aware about breast cancer prevention.

Many organizations are studying and conducting clinical trials for medications that may help prevent breast cancer. Studies have shown that a healthier lifestyle may also contribute towards preventing breast cancer.

Breast cancer prevention: clinical trials

The National Surgical Adjuvant Breast and Bowel Project (NSABP) are conducting clinical trials for a drug that they claim will help prevent breast cancer in women who belong to the high-risk group. The trials are evaluating Letrozole and Raloxifene as drugs that may help in breast cancer prevention. Currently the trials are in trouble as funding by NIC has been cancelled after it had been approved some time ago. With the trials in doldrums, one cannot expect the evaluation reports to come in soon.

Lifestyle changes that have positive effects

Women who are concerned about breast cancer or who belong to the high-risk group are now more conscious about preventing breast cancer. Certain lifestyle changes and good habits can go a long way to help prevent breast cancer.

Simply put this means that there are factors that you can control and work towards reducing the risk of breast cancer.


Women who breast-feed their babies for longer periods have lower risks of developing breast cancer.

Avoiding environmental pollution

Some studies have shown that exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons can lead to breast cancer. These compounds are generally found in vehicle exhaust and polluted air.

Limiting alcohol

Women, who love their drink, be it wine, liquor or beer, are at a higher risk. They should limit their alcohol intake to a single drink a day.

Physical activity

Physical activity in the form of exercise, workouts, brisk walks and jogs help keep weight under control and work towards a fit body. This helps to cut down breast cancer risks considerably. According to experts one needs at the least 75 minutes of fast aerobic activity or 150 minutes of moderate activity every week.

Weight control

Obese or overweight women are more likely to develop breast cancer rather than women who keep their weight in check. This is especially true for menopausal women.

Avoid hormone therapy

If you are menopausal and are taking hormone therapy, you may be at risk of developing breast cancer over a long period. Non-hormonal therapies would be a better option for those who are thinking about breast cancer prevention.

Do healthy diets help?

Research has shown that eating a diet rich in nutrients and fiber does not contribute towards prevention of breast cancer. There is no significant advantage that women with healthy diets may have over those with unhealthy diets. It can help you maintain your weight and reduce the risk of other lifestyle diseases like cardio vascular and diabetes.

What role do Birth Control Pills play?

Earlier studies had shown that women who were on birth control pills were at a slightly higher risk of developing breast cancer, but recent studies have shown that no such risks exist now. This could be simply because the earlier pills were high in estrogen, which could have upped the risk.

Besides working at breast cancer prevention, one can also be vigilant about the changes occurring in one’s body. Any changes or lumps in the breast region should not be ignored and immediate action should be taken.

Breast Cancer Prevention was last modified: February 27th, 2012 by Swathi
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