Amenorrhea Causes and Effects

In case you are interested in the amenorrhea causes and effects, you should know that amenorrhea refers to the lack of menstrual cycles. Women are said to have amenorrhea if they missed three or more menstrual periods. In the same time, the girls who don’t get their period until they turn 16 are also said to have the problem.

The effects and causes of amenorrhea

There are several reasons for which the problem may occur. Sometimes amenorrhea is natural, but in other cases it can be caused by medication or it may be a warning sign of a medical condition. Natural amenorrhea can appear during pregnancy, menopause or breastfeeding.


In some cases, the women taking birth control pills notice the results and the causes of amenorrhea. In case they stop taking the pills, it may take up to six months for the menstrual periods to return. The implanted or injected contraceptives can lead to amenorrhea along with intrauterine devices.


As it has been mentioned before, certain kinds of medication can lead to amenorrhea, such as antipsychotics, antidepressants, chemotherapy in case of cancer and drugs for blood pressure controlling.

Lifestyle choices

If you don’t have the right lifestyle, you could see the causes and results of amenorrhea. The problem can appear if you have a lot of stress in your life, if you are overweight or underweight and if you have too much exercise. In all the mentioned cases, the body starts producing hormones inhibiting ovulation or it produces too little hormones that support ovulation.

Hormonal imbalance

When it comes to the amenorrhea causes and effects, it is good to know that the hormones have a word to say in the matter too. Amenorrhea can be caused by PCOS, thyroid malfunction, pituitary tumor or premature menopause.


The most common sign in case of the effects and origins of amenorrhea is the lack of menstrual periods. It is also possible to have some other symptoms, such as milky vaginal discharge, headache, hair loss, excess facial hair and vision loss. If you miss at least three menstrual periods, you should talk to your doctor about the problem that you have.

You shouldn’t be ashamed when talking about amenorrhea causes and effects, because this is something that could happen to all women. The sooner you notice the problem and the sooner you take measures to make it better, the smaller your chances are of permanent damages.

Amenorrhea Causes and Effects was last modified: March 1st, 2014 by Swathi
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