A Cancer Sufferer’s Inspiring Tale

Sue Wigg was 56 in 1998, when she was given just six weeks to live – she had tumors in her brain and liver and her diagnosis was ‘terminal’.

That was 13 years ago and the 6 weeks have stretched to the present time and this cancer survivor is still going strong, beating the incredible odds to live a healthy and full life!

Extensive therapy including radiotherapy and cancer fighting drugs, and her own survival instinct helped by her body’s immune system made her beat the cancer.

At the time that Wigg was diagnosed with her cancer, she had no particular cancer risk lifestyle habits, and all that she saw was an itchy, black skin irritation, which tested revealed was a satsuma-sized tumor in the liver.

Frequent headaches revealed that a brain tumor was responsible for them and she was given six weeks to live.

It was the radiotherapy and laser surgery that caused the brain tumor to retreat and shrink, and finally disappear, and liver tumor is now small and inactive!

When she got out of hospital, all she wanted to do was have as normal a life as possible and to spend time with her family, and now undergoes regular tests to check for cancerous cells.

A Cancer Sufferer’s Inspiring Tale was last modified: February 11th, 2011 by pnreddy1
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