Breastfeeding with Implants – Is It Possible and What Could Be the Problem?

Getting breast implants is one of the most common cosmetic surgery procedures around, and they are safer to do today than they have ever been before. Though the safety track record is much improved in recent times, and with modern techniques, breastfeeding with implants – whether this will be possible in the future – is one of the common concerns that cause women to hesitate about opting for the procedure.

Though breastfeeding with the breast implants is possible, it can be difficult for many women, and the implants could present a number of problems that women should take into account before making a decision about the surgery –

1. One of the things that will determine whether breastfeeding with implants is going to work is the kind of surgery that a woman has undergone.

The surgery that is performed through an incision made in the armpit is more likely not to interfere with breastfeeding, while the kind of surgery that is performed with an incision below the breast aureole will make it more problematic.

Studies have shown that most women with the first kind of incision were not able to produce adequate milk, while half the women with the armpit incision were able to do so.

2. If any of the milk ducts or breast nerves were cut during the surgery that would also impact breastfeeding. If the surgery has left intact the milk ducts and the nerves involved in breastfeeding, then it is quite likely that breastfeeding with the implants is possible after a surgery.

3.Another possible problem with breast feeding after breast augmentation surgery is that when a woman’s milk comes in, she may feel more uncomfortable with more acute than usual engorgement. The engorgement could also be accompanied by fever, chills and pain.

4. The risk of infection is also higher in breasts with implants.

5. Nipples tend to become less sensitive after having implants put in, and this could also present problems.

Though many women also worry about the substance of the implants leaching out of the implants and into the breast milk, this is not a concern. Breastfeeding with implants will not cause the silicon or the saline solution to leak into the breast milk, and even if it did, experts are of the view that it wouldn’t harm the baby.

Very often, the result of breast augmentation surgery is that there may be milk but that it is inadequate in terms of providing for all the nourishment needs of the baby. So one of the solutions to the problem is to supplement breastfeeding with the help of formula; also pumping after breastfeeding can help to stimulate the breast to produce more milk.

To know whether the milk being produced is adequate, it is important to keep an eye on the weight gain of the baby, to know whether the child is getting enough nourishment. Also if there are adequate numbers of wet diapers in a day, the child is probably getting enough.

To put the matter beyond doubt, women who want to breastfeeding with implants, should consult with a Lactation consultant who can check the breasts before and after childbirth and then follow the progress of mommy and baby for some weeks after the birth of the baby.

Breastfeeding with Implants – Is It Possible and What Could Be the Problem? was last modified: November 1st, 2011 by Swathi
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