What You Should Know About Breast Surgery

Breast surgery is of two main types: the type of surgery performed for excising breast tumors, such as lumpectomies or mastectomies, and other is cosmetic surgery performed for breast augmentation. We look at the different types of cosmetic surgery that can be done for breast augmentation.

Breast Surgery for Augmentation is of three principal types:

Three types of implants can be used for breast augmentation: silicon, saline and alternative composition implants that could be constructed from soy oil, polypropylene string, however this third type is no longer in use.

Most recently the silicone breast implants made from semi solid gel has more or less eliminated probability of leakage or gel bleed, and the migration of the gel to other parts of the body.

For breast surgery involving saline implants, a woman needs to be at least 18 years of age, whereas for silicone implants she has to be 22 years of age at least.

Surgery for breast enhancement

Various different types of incisions in terms of location and size could be used for the surgery, depending upon the type of implant, the woman’s own anatomy and the size of the prostheses (implant) used.

The incisions could be under the arm, around the nipple, under or over the breast. The procedure is usually performed under general anesthesia and will sometimes require an overnight stay in hospital.

Things you should know about breast surgery

Breast implants are not designed to last a lifetime. As a woman’s body changes with age, the implants may need removal or replacement, not only because of cosmetic reasons but also for medical reasons.

There are possible complications that can occur from breast augmentation surgery, as is the case with any type of surgery. There are chances of bleeding, infection or scarring and attendant risks of any surgical procedure.

Additionally, breast surgery could also cause changes in sensation (often a lessening of sensitivity) in the nipple and breast area. There could also be breast pain following the insertion of the implants as the body adjusts to and makes place for the implants.

Asymmetry in terms of differing size and shape of both breasts could also occur. A lot depends upon the kind of surgeon who performs the procedure; their skill and experience so picking a good surgeon, trained in both surgery as well as cosmetic procedures, is the key to a successful procedure.

Rupture of implants is obviously a very significant worry for women contemplating breast enlargement surgery. The rupture of saline implants is usually harmless, since the leak can be absorbed by the body. A silicone leak could be inside or outside the shell of the implant and very often women may not even know that such a rupture has occurred.

Recently the issue about toxic implants (made from industrial grade silicon by French company Poly Implant Prothese (PIP)) in Europe had caused widespread problems with regard to rupture and leakage.

There is also some evidence to indicate that there could be psychological implications of a woman opting for an undergoing breast surgery. While women who underwent the procedure reported improved self image, greater self esteem and confidence as well as more satisfactory sexual functioning, there was a downside to the procedure as well.

Research has found that women who seek breast implants are three times more likely to commit suicide. This is not to say that the implants themselves were responsible for the suicides, rather that women who seek such surgery could be mentally predisposed to this or may be psychopathologically-inclined.

Breast feeding after breast surgery

Women who plan on getting pregnant and breast feeding after getting implants need to know that breast enhancement surgery can make it difficult for a woman to breastfeed.

Not only is the sensitivity of the nipples sometimes affected by the surgery, the discomforts of pregnancy and childbirth may be exaggerated among women with implants. The engorgement when the milk comes in will be greater, causing more discomfort. The chances of mastitis (inflammation of the breast tissue) are also higher.

The type of breast surgery a woman has had, also impacts her chances of successful breastfeeding. For instance incisions made in the armpit or under the breast are better than those made around the nipple. The incisions made around the nipple reduce sensitivity around the areola and reduce chances of successful breastfeeding.

What You Should Know About Breast Surgery was last modified: March 1st, 2014 by Swathi
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