All About Hysterectomy Surgery

Hysterectomy surgery is something that some women have to have but something that others will choose to have. This is the process when the womb is removed and will sometimes happen at the same time the fallopian tubes and ovaries are removed.

Different types of hysterectomy surgery

There are three different types of surgery that a woman could go through. The first is known as a total hysterectomy and is the most common of all three. This is when the uterus and the cervix are both removed from the body. The second type is when the cervix is left behind, but the uterus is still removed.

Finally, there is a radical hysterectomy and this is when a total hysterectomy takes place, along with the removal of some of the vagina and the soft tissue in the pelvis.

This is only performed when cervical cancer is found and removal is the only option. There are very few gynecologists who are trained to do this.

When is hysterectomy surgery performed?

20 percent of women will have this surgery at some point in life and it is common. Usually, there has been cancer diagnosed in the cervix or uterus, which means that the tumor or cells need to be removed. It may also occur if there is ovarian cancer to help slow down the progression.

There are some women who will choose to have a hysterectomy. The most common reason for a woman to choose to have this is when there has been pain or bleeding from the areas. This is often too difficult to live with and they see that the surgery is the only option. Another reason is when women decide that they do not want children, either because they already have enough or they never want them.

What happens after hysterectomy surgery?

Women will feel pain for the first few days of the surgery and will be prescribed painkillers – these will be strong ones. Women are encouraged to remain stationary for the first 24 hours but can move afterwards. They will also be able to eat and drink anything they want afterwards. Most women will stay in hospital for up to five days after the surgery has taken place.

The recovery time will differ between patients and will be dependent on the type of surgery that has taken place. It will usually take between four and six weeks to fully recover; of course, a radical hysterectomy will take much longer.

There are some emotional feelings after the surgery and these differ between patients. Some women wi

All About Hysterectomy Surgery was last modified: October 20th, 2011 by admin3
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