6 Steps in Selecting a Breast Reduction Surgeon

Breast reduction surgery is popular these days. However, that doesn’t make the medical procedure any less complicated. Since it’s the question of your health, you should take your time to search and select the best surgeon. Tracking down a skilled/certified breast reduction surgeon and using his services will help you get the right results. Follow these steps to select a surgeon who is worth hiring:

Step #1

Start by making a list of plastic surgeons specializing in breast reduction in your area. If you live in Baltimore, Maryland, find out what kinds of plastic surgery Baltimore has to offer you in terms of cost and quality.

While getting referrals from your gynecologist and physician is good (and recommended), you should still try to find a surgeon on your own so that you can have more options in hand.

Step #2

Once you’re done with the list, get in touch with each of the surgeons one by one. Go ahead and request referrals from their recent, satisfied patients. Also, ask for “before and after” photos of the procedures they have completed successfully. Remember, a reputed surgeon will always have a good portfolio to showcase. So the more a surgeon is able to provide, the more you can trust him/her.

Step #3

The surgeon you choose to go for should have current certification from one of the many medical boards. For example, The American Board of Plastic Surgery is one such organization that certifies plastic surgeons.

Step #4

Now at this step you should narrow down your list of local surgeons that not only have a favorable track record but also have board certification. Fix an appointment with your chosen doctor(s) office for a consultation. Your basic aim here is to consult with the doctors one by one to see who would be the most appropriate for you.

Step #5

Having a meeting with these surgeons should give you a clear idea about each of them. Discuss your situation with them in detail to see how well they understand your case.

But don’t stop there – ask each of the doctors to take you by hand through the different surgical techniques that they use. You should be sure of how the doctor plans to carry out the procedure and how he or she plans to treat you. Get a detailed plan from them and also ask about recovery.

Step #6

Talk to women who’ve already had good, positive experiences with specific breast reduction surgeons in your specific area. You should also learn about surgeons that are to be avoided by browsing through online discussion boards/forums.

The idea here is to get support from other women who have successfully got their surgery done. This will not only help you come across the right surgeon, but it will also help in getting touch with other women who may even emotionally support you during your recovery period.

When selecting your doctor, don’t be hasty in your approach. Be careful and choose a doctor that you feel safe with and have the most confidence in. This comfort will not only come from the surgeon’s previous successful cases (professional history) but also from how you manage to build a rapport with him/her.

Photo Credit By: healthandwellnesscare.com

6 Steps in Selecting a Breast Reduction Surgeon was last modified: October 6th, 2014 by admin3