Breast Reduction Surgery: Reasons, Options and the Procedure

There are a variety of cosmetic and health reasons why women might decide to go ahead with a breast reduction procedure, and while surgery may seem the ideal solution for women with large breasts to reduce their size, it is important to understand the options available and weigh up what the advantages of undergoing a breast reduction procedure can offer the individual, to decide if it’s the right solution for them.

Reasons to opt for breast reduction

Large breasts are determined by a number of factors which include genes, hormones, weight and the body’s frame. Women who opt for a breast reduction, or a reduction mammoplasty as it’s otherwise known, do so for their own personal reasons. Some of these include psychological feelings of insecurity at having extremely large breasts which look ill-fitting in clothes, for example dresses which fit on the bottom, but are too tight on top.

Large breasts can also cause discomfort, as carrying out everyday activities and simple tasks such as carrying shopping bags can become difficult due to the weight of the breasts causing the spine to imbalance when lifting objects, which can strain the spine and cause back pain.

Most companies such as Surgery offer free consultations to help recommend the most beneficial surgery to each individual case.

Along with back pain, large breasts can cause pain in the neck, as the strain from their weight can eventually travel up the spine and start to cause tension in other muscles along the mid-back area before finally reaching the shoulders and neck.

Women with large breasts may also find that their posture suffers due to the fact that their breasts make them feel unhappy, which results in low self-confidence. This is reflected in the posture, which if there is a lot of slouching, can make the neck and back pain even worse.

A breast reduction surgery can help to realign the spine as it reduces the weight upon the chest and brings it to a more manageable level.

Other reasons why a woman might consider reducing her breast size include any skin irritations under the breast area which can develop from wearing ill-fitting bras, and for reasons of vanity or convenience to her lifestyle, if she can’t participate in active and demanding sports or find bras she likes in her size. These are all common reasons why a woman might want to undergo breast reduction surgery.

Where to get the surgery done

Once it has been decided to go ahead with the procedure, the next step is to find out where to get the surgery done and how much it costs, or if you are eligible to receive it on the NHS. However, to get the procedure on the NHS, there are GP referrals, plastic surgery consultations and possible psychological assessments to ensure the breast reduction surgery is of benefit to the woman’s mental and physical health. Women who wish to have the surgery sooner can go private with the procedure, but the cost can be expensive at around £5000.

The breast reduction procedure

The breast surgery procedure is designed to reduce the weight and size of the breasts and takes between 2-4 hours. On the lower half of the breasts, small cuts are made and excess tissue in the breasts is then reshaped to the desired amount. The cuts are stitched up and then wrapped in a supportive dressing.

For up to 48 hours after surgery, thin plastic tubes may be required to drain off excess fluids and blood into a bag. Your surgeon will explain every stage of the process, both pre-op and post-operative care, along with the type of results you can expect to achieve from breast reduction surgery.

Breast Reduction Surgery: Reasons, Options and the Procedure was last modified: March 9th, 2012 by Swathi
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