Is Acupuncture IVF Effective?

Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese practice wherein needles are inserted in the different strategic points of the body. This method has gained popularity over the last three decades in the United States and other Europen countries because of its therapeutic effects in treating certain diseases.

Recently, this method has found its way in treating infertility giving birth to acupuncture ivf.

What is acupuncture IVF?

In acupuncture IVF, very fine and disposable hair-thin needles are used. They are used to penetrate specific points in the body particularly in meridian points where the uterus can be relaxed. These points are found at the lower back, lower abdomen and legs.

Meanwhile, some points on the neck, head and upper back are likewise taken into consideration because they stimulate the automatic nervous system responsible in inducing the relaxation process.

Women who consider acupuncture ivf should start the treatment at least two months before the first cycle of in vitro fertilization is administered.

Primarily, the results of acupuncture does not happen overnight. Although most patients have acupuncture for a few months to a year, treatment is different for each woman.

Acupuncture ivf is a techinique believed to restore balance and improve the overall health of the person. In addition, it promotes follicle production, enhancing uterine blood flow and improving uterine lining thickness.

Studies on acupuncture IVF

Although medical researchers have debated on acupuncture ivf as a possible form of fertility treatment, no such conclusion has been derived at in support of its effectivity. In fact, medical books have contrasting views regarding acupuncture ivf and its role in getting a woman pregnant.

In a February 2008 study made by Professor Edward Ernst, he averred that acupuncture ivf can increase the success rate by 65%. Accordingly, he mentioned that the placebo effect on women expecting for the procedure to work on them makes them feel relaxed resulting to increased pregnancy rate.

Quite interestingly, the placebo effect of acupuncture ivf is said to play an insignificant role wherein pregnancy rates are high.

However, in another study done by a group of medical practitioners in April 2009, it was found out that acupuncture ivf did not play a significant role in fertility.

Dr. Alice Domar spearheaded the study that revealed this conclusion. She reiterated that although acupuncture ivf can be vital after the embryo transfer, the method is incapable of rectifying a damaged embryo because of certain chromosonal defects and abnormalities.

On the contrary, she still recommends acupuncture ivf  since it is healthy and does not have any side effects. It relaxes a person and it gives the woman being treated for infertility an optimistic feeling.

Recently, in March 2010, the British Fertility Society did its own study confirming the findings of Dr. Domar in 2009. Again, it was found out that acupuncture ivf  is not effective as a means of assisted conception.

Acupuncure was tested in different stages of the entire procedure and no plausible findings were derived at to complement the claim that acupuncture ivf is indeed effective.

Studies though do not end here. Doctors involved in the trials have admitted that there are still more vague areas regarding this issue that need to be addressed.

Is Acupuncture IVF Effective? was last modified: September 22nd, 2017 by admin2
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