Not All STIs Need Intercourse To Spread

In recent years the number of people with sexually transmitted infections, STIs, has increased, a rise of more than three percent.

Most infections can be avoided by the safe use of a condom; however some can be passed on during oral sex. Genital herpes only requires skin touch to spread to others.

The most common disease is Chlamydia, of which the symptoms appear over three weeks after the unprotected intercourse took place. For women, a vaginal discharge can occur although many experience no obvious signs of the disease.

Men are more likely to feel pain while passing urine, a discharge from the penis or occasionally a burning sensation in the eyes.

The lack of  symptoms of chlamydia could be the reason for the increase in the infection, the most risk groups being homosexual men and youngsters who have multiple sexual partners.

Confidential services are available where people can be discreetly tested and sent for further treatment. There is even one aimed specifically for young adults called Brook.

A simple urine test is all that is required for men and women have a vaginal swab taken, occasionally a blood test will also be taken. Treatment is usually in the form of a course of antibiotics which if taken as prescribed will effectively cure the infection. Genital warts are usually removed by creams.

It is important that sex does not take place during the treatment process and you will be advised, where possible, to inform any known sexual partners of your condition. Usually the process is completed by giving out information encouraging the use of condoms in any future sexual acts.

Not All STIs Need Intercourse To Spread was last modified: February 26th, 2011 by admin2
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