Is Chlamydia Symptomatic Or Asymptomatic? Facts About Chlamydia Symptoms!

Chlamydia is the most rising sexually transmitted disease (STD).

In the United States, about four million new cases of Chlamydia are frequently occurring among sexually active adolescents, young adults and individuals with multiple partners are at highest risk.

Actually, a tiny bacteria Chlamydia trachomatis cause chlamydia.

This sexual transmitted disease (STD) is known as a “silent” disease because about 75% of infected women experience no chlamydia symptoms.

Sometimes, the chlamydia is asymptomatic and it becomes very difficult to find out how long you remain infectious but if chlamydia symptoms appear, they usually emerge within one to three weeks after infected.

When the chlamydia symptoms do appear in women, like you, they may be mild and passing, making them easy to overlook. Moreover, the bacteria primarily infect the cervix and the urethra.

Then, you may have symptoms such as yellowish vaginal discharge; smelly vaginal discharge; painful or frequent urination; a burning sensation during urination.

But when the infection passes from the cervix to the fallopian tubes, tubes that carry eggs from the ovaries to the uterus, you may experience lower abdominal and lower back pain, pain during intercourse, nausea, fever, or bleeding between menstrual periods. Sometimes, you may not experience even these signs or symptoms.

Besides these parts, the infection may also spread from the cervix to the rectum. In addition to these, you have an increased risk of developing cancer of the cervix.

However, during pregnancy, the infant may also acquire the disease leading the baby to have eye disease or pneumonia.

If you have receptive anal intercourse, then there are chances of getting chlamydial infection in the rectum. This in turn can cause rectal pain, discharge, or bleeding. You can also get infected with chlamydia when you have oral sex with an infected partner.

In rare cases, with chlamydia infection, you may also experience Reiter’s syndrome, an unusual condition that affects your eyes and joints.

Besides all these, it is very essential for you to realize that focusing on warning signs and symptoms is not much useful in identifying chlamydia because the chlamydia symptoms are similar to gonorrhea symptoms. So, you may not be able to identify the disease from chlamydia symptoms even if you are infected.

As chlamydia symptoms do not announce its arrival, it is frequently undiagnosed or untreated unless sever complications develop and physicians routinely perform screening tests.

So, you must consider yourself to be infectious from the time you become infected until your treatment is completed.

Is Chlamydia Symptomatic Or Asymptomatic? Facts About Chlamydia Symptoms! was last modified: September 22nd, 2017 by pnreddy1
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