HPV Virus in Women Facts

In case you are interested in the HPV virus in women facts, you should know that this is a virus affecting the genital area and the skin. There are over 130 types of viruses of this kind. Some of them infect the skin and they can cause warts. They can lead to genital warts or cervical cancer.

Low risk and high risk facts about women’s HPV virus

When the virus gets in contact with the skin, it can cause changes at a cellular level. These are known as lesions. Some of the HPV types can reach the DNA, changing it and leading to the formation of cancerous cells. The high risk HPV almost always leads to cervical cancer.

The sad fact about HPV in women is that is that they can also lead to the cancers of the vulva, anus and vagina. There is also some evidence showing that the virus can cause cancer in the mouth and throat as well. The low-risk type viruses don’t lead to cancer, but they can cause genital warts.

HPV transmission

One of the most important HPV facts involves the way through which it is transmitted. The viruses are very common, so about 75% of all women will get them sooner or later. Usually the virus is transmitted through sexual contact, with or without actual penetration.

In case you are thinking about the truth about women’s HPV, keep in mind that it can be transmitted through oral and vaginal sex and through mutual masturbation. It is just natural that you have the highest chances of being infected when you have sexual intercourse without using a condom.

Signs and symptoms

If the HPV causes warts, most probably it won’t lead to cancer. Genital warts can be like a cauliflower or flat. They usually appear on the vulva, rectum, cervix or in the thigh area.

It is good to know about the women’s HPV facts that the kinds of viruses that cause cancer are usually the silent ones. In this case, there are no signs and symptoms; and in the majority of the cases, women don’t even know that they have been infected.

The people interested in the HPV virus in women facts should know that if they are sexually active, they have chances of getting the virus. They can protect themselves through the use of condoms.

HPV Virus in Women Facts was last modified: March 1st, 2014 by Swathi
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