By gathering adequate information on AIDS, you may spread awareness about the disease. AIDS which is the abbreviated form of the Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome can be acquired through infection. The main reason behind the prevalence of AIDS is the HIV or Human Immunodeficiency Virus.

Once you are infected, the body tries to fight the virus by creating antibodies which are specialized molecules that fight HIV.

Information on AIDS

During an HIV infection, you are required to undergo a blood test where the presence of antibodies is ascertained. If it is present in your blood, you are infected with HIV. People with HIV antibodies are HIV Positive.

Important information on AIDS

Being infected with HIV does not indicate that you have AIDS. Some people who may be HIV positive may not be sick for several years. With the progression of the HIV disease, the immune system of the body is gradually worn down or affected. Parasites, fungi, bacteria and viruses which usually do not lead to problems may make you extremely sick in case of damages to your immunity structure.

For those who want to know of information on AIDS, these infections are known as ‘opportunistic infections’.

How is AIDS contracted?

AIDS cannot be ‘got’ as it were. You may get an HIV infection and this might lead to the development of AIDS. HIV infections may be acquired from a person who is HIV positive. They may have HIV even when they do not seem sick and have not yet tested positive in an HIV examination. People who suffer from the infection may have sufficient amounts of the germ in their semen, blood, breast milk and vaginal fluid. This may lead to infection in other people.

The most common methods through which HIV virus is acquired are through:

  • Engaging in intercourse with someone who is HIV positive
  • Sharing of needles with people who are infected
  • Delivery when the mother is infected; you may even acquire HIV by drinking breast milk from an infected mother

A blood transfusion was a common way through which someone acquired AIDS. However, with updated information on AIDS, this is no longer a reason as the supply of blood is carefully screened, thus reducing any chances whatsoever. Saliva and tears are not known to transmit AIDS, although people can be infected through oral sex, and in rare situations, through intense kissing, especially with people who have bleeding gums or open sores.

You will know if you have AIDS once your immunity is damaged seriously. The symptoms of AIDS are different in different individuals and while some people may expire within a few months of infection, others may live a fairly normal life for several years, even after their AIDS has been medically confirmed.

This is why it is important for you to acquire appropriate information on AIDS so that you can deal with it better and if possible find a cure. Antiretroviral therapy or ART is often used to slow down the effects of the HIV virus to delay the damage caused to the immune system.