Effective Ways to Prevent Hepatitis C Transmission

If you happen to be diagnosed having hepatitis C, you might be worried about hepatitis C transmission because you don’t want to pass it to another person. In case you had the condition for some time now, you should be thinking about the situations when you may have infected someone else.

Transmission of hepatitis C

It is common among the patients to be worrying about this matter. This is why you should remember that this isn’t an infection that is easily spread. Even more, with some steps of precaution, it becomes almost impossible for another person to catch it.

How is and isn’t the infection spread?

It is important to remember regarding transmission of hepatitis C that it can be passed to another person only through blood.

This means that you can’t pass it on through coughing, hugging, sneezing, kissing, sharing glasses or utensils and through breastfeeding.

If you are thinking about hepatitis C transmission and breastfeeding you should remember that it is important for the nipples not to be sore or bleeding.

You can be sure that you can’t spread the infection through sharing water and food or through casual contact.

As a conclusion we may say that the everyday activities aren’t risky regarding transmission of hepatitis C. The risk of transmitting the infection to another person in your household is almost 0. Nonetheless as it has been mentioned, the infection can be passed on through blood.

This is why in order to avoid hepatitis C transmission you should make sure that you don’t share razors, nail clippers, toothbrushes or any other item that might have blood. If you have any open sores make sure that they are covered with bandages.

In case of women regarding transmission of hepatitis C is it important to dispose sanitary napkins, tampons, used bandages and tissues or any other item with blood. If you happen to be using injection drugs, you should go to a treatment facility, or at least make sure that you don’t share needles with anyone else.

In this case it is vital not to donate organs, blood, semen or tissue.

Sex and hepatitis C transmission

Although it’s rare, it is possible for the infection to spread through sexual intercourse. It is even rarer among the monogamous couples. Even more, the possibility of getting infected is so low, that the specialists don’t even suggest using a condom. Also there is no proof of the infection spreading through oral sex.

Spreading the infection to the baby

In case you are pregnant, you may be thinking about the transmission of hepatitis C to the little one. Although it is not impossible, the chances are quite low, of about 5%. It is possible to pass on the infection to the baby at childbirth and there is no way to reduce this risk.

As you can see, hepatitis C transmission isn’t as easy as it may seem at first, but you should take some safety precautions to ensure the safety of the people around you.
Read more at http://www.womenhealthzone.com/sexually-transmitted-diseases/hepatitis/prevent-hepatitis-c-transmission/

Effective Ways to Prevent Hepatitis C Transmission was last modified: March 27th, 2014 by Swathi