Herpes Cure: Is There One?

Whether it is Oral herpes or Genital Herpes, which are the most common forms of infection from the Herpes Simplex virus, there is as such no accepted herpes cure.

While the infection is treatable in that the symptoms are able to be controlled and even negated, there is no way to rid the body of the virus once it enters and establishes itself into the system.

Typically herpes sufferers experience outbreaks or periods when the active disease is active. This will show up in the form of blisters containing infectious virus particles.

These periods may last 2 to 21 days, and then the sufferer will typically experience a remission period; during this time the sores disappear.

Though there is no herpes cure as such, many people do become asymptomatic over a period of several years and even though they may no longer be experiencing outbreaks, they could well still be infectious to others.

In the absence of a herpes cure, there have been clinical trials attempted to try and develop an effective herpes vaccine, however nothing demonstrably effective has emerged so far.

What is important to remember is that what commonly is termed as a herpes cure is in fact a treatment that will control the reproduction and shedding of the virus and/or ease the symptoms and outbreaks that sufferers encounter.

What is usually prescribed for treatment of herpes is antiviral drugs that are able to reduce the severity of symptoms, and reduce or even eliminate the occurrence of outbreaks whereas the medications reduce the severity of the symptoms, they also reduce the rate at which the virus reproduces and so the immune system of the body is better able to cope.

Herpes sufferers also have periods of asymptomatic viral shedding which such medications can control.

Topical herpes cures are those treatments that are applied directly to the affected area to reduce inflammation or sores or making them reduce in size or by preventing entrance of the virus into the skin.

Such topical herpes medications are usually gel or cream form and can help in reducing symptoms and helping by quickening the healing process.

Additionally of course one can take pain relievers to help control painful symptoms, avoid use of perfumes and cosmetics that contain chemicals that could exacerbate symptoms, wear suitable clothing which will not chafe or irritate skin conditions and also avoid excessive heat exposure so that irritation and reaction can be reduced.

Herpes Cure: Is There One? was last modified: March 24th, 2010 by admin2
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