Dealing with Vaginal Bacterial Infections

The normal vaginal discharge is usually described as odor-free, slightly cloudy and clear. However, certain exceptions could be taken into consideration specifically if a woman is having her menses.

If one experiences pain during intercourse, foul smelling vaginal discharge, burning, irritation and itchiness inside and outside of the vagina, a vaginal bacterial infection might be developing.

Due to so many factors, a vaginal infection develops.  Aside from bacteria, fungi and viruses could also be culprits in the development of unusual discharge and vaginal odor.

Basically, vaginal bacterial infection is the most common vaginal infection for women of reproductive age. The infection develops due to several factors.

For some reason, when the vaginal balance and the normal flora of organisms in the vagina are superseded by other bacteria, vaginal infections take over.

This is characterized by excessive vaginal discharges with unusual color and odor. The other term for vaginal bacterial infection is bacterial vaginosis.

Vaginal bacterial infection is not spread through sex. However, women who are sexually active commonly develop this kind of infection. This may not be a very serious threat to a woman’s health.

Nevertheless, having a vaginal infection predisposes a woman to PID or pelvic inflammatory disease. In addition, there have been studies which show that women who have bacterial vaginosis experience early labor and premature births.

About 50% of women who have vaginal bacterial infection or vaginosis do not experience certain symptoms. However, if symptoms do show, it includes a fishy smell which is mostly present after sexual intercourse, a white or discolored discharge, painful urination and swollen and itchy vagina.

The condition is usually diagnosed after having one’s gynecologic exam. Once inside the examination room, the doctor gets a vaginal fluid sample. After checking it out under a microscope, a doctor could tell right away whether bacterial vaginosis is present.

Bacterial vaginal infection needs a mode of treatment that is prescribed by a doctor. Some over-the-counter remedies would not suffice. Because of its foul odor, some women may make use of deodorant and vaginal perfumes. However, these products do not afford relief.

They rather intensify and complicate the infection. Some of the common drugs being prescribed by Ob-gyn doctors in order to treat the infection include Metronidazole and Clindamycin. These drugs are taken after meals if in oral form. However, these medicines are also administered as vaginal creams or gels.

For pregnant women who have vaginal infection, it would be best to consult a doctor prior to taking any medicines specifically in the first trimester of pregnancy. Although the prevention of bacterial vaginosis is typically unknown, some health and lifestyle modifications could actually help in the reduction of the condition.

Since an extremely moist environment is a host to several organisms, it would be best to maintain proper hygiene and wear dry, loose undergarments. Tight underwear and jeans could actually facilitate the growth of other bacteria.

Since stress plays a role on the pH balance of the vagina, one should also learn how to de-stress, relax and have fun. In addition, consuming a nutrient-filled, balanced diet stabilizes and strengthens the immune system, thus, reducing the likelihood of vaginal infection development.

Dealing with Vaginal Bacterial Infections was last modified: May 25th, 2011 by Swathi

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  • Yeast infections are caused by an imbalance in bad bacteria versus good bacteria. the best defence is to restore the natural ph balance of the vaginal flora. Multi-Gyn actigel is a natural product that does this wonderfully. for a free product sample go to

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