What is Yeast Infection?

Yeast infections are a type of vaginal infections that are more common among pregnant women.  These infections are caused by microscopic fungi known as Candida albicans.  Yeast tends to become a problem when it grows beyond its normal amounts.

One of the reasons for this unusually growth is due to the increase of estrogen during pregnancy.  Most researchers think that estrogen has a direct result on yeast’s growth.  Moreover, one is more likely to develop a yeast infection when she is on antibiotics.

yeast infections during pregnancy

Symptoms of a Yeast Infection

The following are some of the most common symptoms of yeast infection:

  • Irritation, burning sensation, itching and redness near the vaginal area and the labia area is a common symptom of yeast infection.
  • Another common sign of this type of an infection is vaginal discharge that is odorless. This discharge is white, creamy or the color of cottage cheese.
  • Pain or discomfort experienced during sex is also another symptom.
  • Burning sensation during urination is also a sign of a yeast infection.

Does Yeast Infection in Pregnant Women Affect the Baby?

If you are a pregnant woman who is suffering from yeast infection, then you may be worried about its effect on the baby in the belly. The good news is that this type of an infection does not affect the baby and in no way can it hurt the baby.  If you have the infection while you go into labor, then chances are that the infection may pass onto the baby through the birth canal.

The baby may develop this infection in his mouth which is known as thrush.  This infection in babies is not serious and can be treated quite easily.

Ways to Prevent Yeast Infection

The following are some of the most effective ways to reduce the chances to develop yeast infection or prevent it from occurring:

  • One of the best ways to ensure that you do not get this infection is to keep the vaginal area dry and clean at all times.
  • Another way to prevent this infection during pregnancy or otherwise is to wear cotton underwear which is not very tight and is comfortable and breathable.  One must avoid using pantyhose or synthetic underwear.
  • Whenever you go swimming, make sure you get out of the wet swimsuit soon enough.  Make sure you change your underwear and put on dry ones after cleaning your genital area.
  • It is advisable to sleep without underwear at night so that some air can get on the genital area.  A nightgown without underwear is a good idea.
  • Another way to avoid yeast infection is to avoid bubble baths, perfumed soaps and feminine sprays etc.
  • Whenever you clean your genital area, clean it with warm water
  • Another good way to avoid yeast infection is to make it a habit to wipe front to back.
  • You must eat yoghurt containing live culture as it can help you maintain bacterial balance in your vagina and the gut.

Photo Credit By: walesonline.co.uk