The Top 10 Terrific Tips to Lose That Baby Weight

Pregnancy surely brings life onto earth but also adds a lot to your weight. It is sure a beautiful experience to give birth to a little baby but losing that baby weight after the birth of the child is a hard task to do for most of us. Normally, a female tends to return back to her pre pregnancy weight within 6 months after the pregnancy and most of the women lose half the weight 6 weeks after child birth.  But in some cases, you may find it difficult to shed off all the extra weight properly. It is said that healthy diet and a little regular exercise can effectively reduce the baby weight. The following are the top 10 tips to lose the baby weight:

  1. Breastfeeding– weight loss that happens very fast cannot be very good for breastfeeding mothers. Hence don’t try to lose weight fast as breastfeeding can naturally help you lose calories and this is one of the best ways to shed off those extra kilos naturally.
  2. Healthy diet– choose to eat low fat dairy products and have fruits and vegetables instead of snacks. Do not skip meals in order to lose weight and have 5-6 small meals every day. Make it a point to have baked or boiled foods rather than fried items.
  3. Exercise– exercising combined with a healthy diet is surely the best way to shed your baby weight. Make it a point to engage in regular exercising but don’t start with heavy exercising routines. Rather start slowly and then increase by a little when you start seeing changes in your weight. Just a short walk with your baby in the stroller is the best way to start.
  4. Don’t go on a crash diet– going on a crash diet is a strict no no for mothers who have recently given birth to a baby. Stick to a normal healthy diet and don’t starve yourself.
  5. Drink liquids-drink plenty of water throughout the day and avoid getting dehydrated. Apart from water, also get some fresh fruit juices and other liquids daily.
  6. Sleep well-there are many chances that you will get sleep deprived when you have given birth to a baby. But make sure you get enough sleep during the day to effectively lose weight.
  7. Team up-make sure you get your partner on board as this will keep you motivated to lose weight. Instead of watching TV, go for a walk together or ask him to keep an eye on your diet and physical work.
  8. Think positive– a lot of women keep worrying about losing weight and this stress keeps them from shedding the extra pounds. Remain positive about getting back in shape and results will surely show.
  9. Be realistic-expecting to lose weight very quickly and getting a toned body within weeks is not very practical so it is important for you to be realistic about your weight goals.
  10. Ask for help-if none of the above given tips work, try seeking help from a dietician or health care experts.

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The Top 10 Terrific Tips to Lose That Baby Weight was last modified: March 26th, 2014 by Swathi