8 Things to Keep In Mind About Postnatal Care

It is easy to get overwhelmed by the arrival of a new baby; there is so much more to do and so little time all of a sudden.

But proper postnatal care of a new mother is important not only for her own good health and long term wellbeing but also for the health and wellbeing of the baby.

We look at some post natal dos and don’ts, for the new mommy:

1. Prepare beforehand – One part of postnatal care can begin before the arrival of the baby when the mommy to be typically has a bit more time.

Make sure that the home is clean, the fridge well stocked and the bed linen fresh. Stock up on baby gear and supplies; consider making and freezing meals from before.

2. Visit the doctor – A delivery that was free of complications will generally require a woman to check in with the doctor about 6 weeks after the pregnancy to make sure that all is well.

Don’t miss out on this so that you can ask the doctor about any doubts you have and so that the doctor can make sure that you are healing normally and getting healthy.

3. Exercise – Make regular exercise a part of postnatal care. Not only is this important for good health it is also a known factor for reducing chances of developing postnatal depression. It can also help reduce blood sugar levels and stabilize blood pressure.

4. Eat healthy – Eating healthy is important only for your own health but also for breast feeding. Get tips on how to create simple and quick meals using fresh ingredients to help save time, but make the effort to eat healthy.

5. Try and regain your pre-pregnancy shape – This is important for a number of reasons: it will give you a reason to concentrate on your own postnatal care and to take care of your own health and to make it a priority.

Further it is good for your own self esteem and wellbeing, so take care of your daily grooming, personal hygiene. Also make sure that you get up each day and change out of your night things. Look after your hair, use a little make up and make the effort to look good for yourself.

6. Rest – With a baby who doesn’t know night from day just yet, this is easier said than done. But you have to prioritize sleep. Sleep when the baby does and get enough rest, even if it means that household chores take a bit of a backseat.

7. Take time out for yourself – If required, get help with other things relating to the home and baby care, but take some time out for yourself each day. Make it a point to get out of the house every day, even if it only taking baby out in the stroller.

8. Do not ignore any symptoms of depression – Taking care of mental health is an important part of postnatal care. So if you feel out or sorts, weepy without reason, exhausted, want to avoid company, don’t ignore these symptoms.

8 Things to Keep In Mind About Postnatal Care was last modified: March 6th, 2014 by Swathi