Although many people think that it is always sunny in the world of celebrities you should know that postpartum depression affects about 13% of all women and the celebrities are no exception.

Usually the problem is caused by lack of sleep, exhaustion and other stress factors. Many celebrity mothers shared their story.

Brooke Shields

Celebrity-MomsThe actress spoke about her postpartum depression back in 2005. This is because Tom Cruise criticized her for taking antidepressants after her daughter was born.

She admitted having strange feelings, including suicidal ones. She added that this is a condition that is difficult to live with.

She would have preferred to have any other kind of condition. However, she managed to fight it.

Courtney Cox

She said that in her case there was a delayed postpartum depression. Her problems didn’t start right after birth, but when her baby was of about 6 months.

She couldn’t get any sleep, her heart rate was fast and she was really depressed. When she saw her doctor, she found out that her hormone levels weren’t balanced.

Gwyneth Paltrow

The actress gave birth in 2006. When she talks about that period she says she was just like a robot. She didn’t experience any maternal instincts towards her son.

She just didn’t feel connected to the baby. If she sees pictures of her son when he was 3 months old it’s like she can’t even remember that period.

Lisa Rinna

Lisa Rinna was also affected by postpartum depression after her two daughters were born.

Her case was so serious that she feared she would murder her family. According to her, she had visions of guns and knives. As a result her husband took out all the guns and sharp knives from the house. Looking back she finds that period really horrific.

Angelina Jolie

Although she never really discussed this topic, it is a known fact that the actress was also affected by postpartum depression after she gave birth to her twins. According to her friends, she couldn’t sleep at night and she felt really exhausted. She even had mood swings that were really difficult to handle for her family. She used to laugh and cry at all the wrong moments.

Britney Spears

When she started losing it and doing unexpected things in 2007, several people said that the singer was affected by postpartum depression. She didn’t admit publicly at that time but over the years she hinted it was so.