Understanding And Treating High Blood Pressure In Women

Recent studies show that, over half of all women, over the age of 60, have high blood pressure.

Approximately 75% of the women, who have high blood pressure, are aware of the condition.

However, it is estimated that less than thirty percent of the women who are aware they have high blood pressure, do anything to control it.

This can be very dangerous since there are very few signs and symptoms related to high blood pressure.

In fact, it is often referred to as the silent killer. You can experience high blood pressure for years before any symptoms manifest.

Therefore, understanding whether or not you have high blood pressure, and properly maintaining it, is imperative.

Maintaining High Blood Pressure

One of the first steps in maintaining high blood pressure is to understand what blood pressure levels are normal, and what levels are unsafe. When measuring your blood pressure, there are two specific numbers you will be concerned with.

The first or upper number is called systolic pressure, and the second or lower number is diastolic pressure. The systolic number is a measure of the pressure at which blood is pumped through your blood vessels.

The diastolic number is a measure of the pressure in your vessels, when your heart is at rest in between beats. When you measure your blood pressure, using a blood pressure cuff, a normal level would be 120 systolic over 80 diastolic. This is commonly represented as a fraction of 120/80.

Controlling High Blood Pressure with Diet and Exercise

Two of the best ways to control high blood pressure, are eating a healthy diet and exercising. The consumption of salt is directly related to high blood pressure. Being overweight can also lead to a development of high blood pressure.

In order to reduce your blood pressure levels, you should begin a regular exercise routine, accompanied by a diet low in salt or sodium. You will also want to limit the amount of alcohol you consume, as alcohol can thin the blood and increase blood pressure.

The Risks of High blood Pressure

The risks of high blood pressure can be deadly. You can suffer from a stroke, heart attack, or even brain aneurysm. When the pressure becomes too hard in the arteries, it can cause vessels to burst.

This can happen very quickly if you have weak spots within any of your vessels. However, over time your arteries can become weak, when the high pressure levels go uncontrolled.

The key to preventing these dangerous conditions is proper management of high blood pressure.

Medications to Manage High Blood Pressure

There are several medications on the market today for controlling high blood pressure. If you cannot control the condition with natural remedies such as diet and exercise, your doctor may prescribe a daily medication.

In most cases, it will take a while to adjust the dose properly. You may need to pay close attention to your levels, until you find the proper dosage or level. If the medication level is too high, your blood pressure could drop too low. Low blood pressure can be just as dangerous as high blood pressure.

Understanding And Treating High Blood Pressure In Women was last modified: March 27th, 2010 by admin2
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