Pancreas Pain: What Causes It?

As we know, pancreas is the organ of the body that is a crucial cog in the digestive system and it is this that regulates sugar levels of the body.

Pancreas pain can be the indication of a several major problems and can manifest itself in chronic back pain.

Pancreas pain can be caused by one of different conditions, such as Pancreatitis, which is inflammation of the pancreas or a tumor in the Pancreas.

Pancreatitis is the most common cause of pancreas pain and it may be either chronic or acute; in either case the damage that it can cause can be fairly extensive and bleeding, infection, and permanent tissue damage can result from it.

Pancreas pain usually manifests itself with either a sharp, sudden or gradual pain in the upper abdomen, which can extend through to the back. The worst of the pancreas pain is usually observed when a person has just eaten.

The pain could be quite severe and the duration may extend for several days. The pain is usually severe enough to require immediate medical attention.

Pancreas pain that is caused by Pancreatitis [Pancretaic cancer] could also have other symptoms such as a swollen or tender abdomen, fever, an elevated pulse and/or feelings of nausea and vomiting.

There also can be added complications such as low blood pressure and dehydration that a person may suffer as a consequence of pancreatitis and then there can be other consequences such as organ failure.

The heart, lungs and kidneys could, as a consequence of pancreatitis, collapse and fail. If there is bleeding in the pancreas, a person may even die and so pancreas pain is never a condition to be ignored.

Pancreas pain and its causes are commonly difficult to diagnose and pinpoint since the pancreas is located very deep within the body; i.e. not close to the surface.

However one of the main ways in which pancreatic problems can be identified and diagnosed is by a blood analysis. When the pancreas is affected by acute pancreatitis, the levels of certain enzymes found in the blood such as lipase and amylase are 300% of what is considered normal.

Levels of other minerals in the body such as sodium, magnesium, potassium, calcium, glucose, may also be altered with may alert the physician that there may be problems associated with pancreas pain. Various tests may be required to isolate the causes of pancreas pain before effective treatment is prescribed.

Pancreas Pain: What Causes It? was last modified: March 24th, 2010 by admin2
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