Strength Training Routine for Osteoporosis Sufferers

As the disease progresses, the bone mass and bone density decrease thus leading bones to become fragile. Due to this reason, strength training routines are suggested. Strength training consists of activities that put heavy load on your muscles than they are normally used to.

Researchers found that strength training has a great role in increasing bone density. Also, it increases your overall strength, balance and coordination. Regular physical activity is one of the best usual defenses against this condition.

As we age, we are less likely to use our muscles. This inactivity costs a lot. For many of us, broken bones and falls are the major concerns. We can avoid these accidents with strength training methods, which provide great support to your strength and balance.

If you are already suffering from osteoporosis, then a strength training routine will greatly help in building bone density.

Start with lighter weights and also avoid movements which need bending forward and twisting to the sides. Don’t practice high impact workouts such as running and jumping.

If your main goal is prevention of osteoporosis, then practice with heavy weights and increase the intensity as you continue. Incrementally, this will make your bone mass up.

Reducing the risk of fracture is the most important factor in osteoporosis management. Strength training reduces the risk of fracture by:

  • Progressing bone mineral density
  • Increasing muscle strength to reduce the threat of falls and thus the threat of fractures

Strength training routine is also helpful in preventing and managing other chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and arthritis.

How to begin strength training program?

Strength training principles that apply to normal people can also apply to individuals with osteoporosis, but you need to take more safety considerations. Before going to start the program, consult appropriate health professional. He can give you a through assessment and design that is most appropriate for you.

In strength training program, people with osteoporosis generally use free weights such as dumbbells and ankle cuff weights and practice one or two movements for each muscle group. These can give an overall development in strength and functioning.

In preventing osteoporosis, stress applied on the bones during strength training should meet the threshold level to occur a great boost in the bone mineral density. This is the reason why most of the experts recommend moderate to high intensity workout.

Generally, strength training workouts won’t cause any pain. If you notice any pain, immediately discontinue the activity and consult your healthcare professional who suggested the program.

To get more benefits from strength training routine, you should participate in at least two-three sessions a week. Gradually increase the intensity of the exercise under the guidance of healthcare professional.

Strength Training Routine for Osteoporosis Sufferers was last modified: January 12th, 2011 by pnreddy1
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