Recognizing And Treating Discoid Lupus

Discoid lupus is an auto-immune disease that leads to chronic swelling in the skin.

Auto-immune diseases occur when your body’s tissues are attacked by its own immune system. The exact cause of this disease is unknown, although it is known to be hereditary.

Discoid lupus can lead you to develop unusual antibodies in your blood that are targeted against your own body tissues.

This is a chronic inflammation and scarring of the skin which most often occurs on your face, ears and scalp.

How does discoid lupus appear?

Usually, the lesions appear as red, inflamed patches with a scaling and grumpy look. When lesions develop in hairy areas like the scalp, it results in permanent scarring or hair loss [preventing hair loss].

Some people with discoid lupus can have diseases of the internal organs, which make them sicker. Kids and adults with various spots are at a greater risk of these. Cigarette smoke and sunlight cause the lesions to appear.

How to treat discoid lupus?

Applying cortisone ointment on the affected skin areas will improve the lesions and decrease the progression of the disease. Injecting cortisone into the lesions can also treat discoid lupus and are more effective than cortisone ointments.

Alternatively, you can use pimecrolimus cream, tacrolimus and calcineurin inhibitor ointments. Also, Imiquimod reported as effective in some patients.

If your skin is sensitive to sunlight, then it is necessary to wear UVB/UVA blocking sunscreens daily while you are outdoors.

Recognizing And Treating Discoid Lupus was last modified: March 27th, 2010 by admin2
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