Factors That Contribute To Metabolic Syndrome In Women!

Metabolic syndrome is becoming a rising issue in woman’s health. It is also known as syndrome X or dysmetabolic syndrome.

The syndrome is a cluster of health consequences associated with obesity (obesity effects).

It increases the risk of cardiovascular disease such as heart strokes, disease, attacks, and peripheral vascular disease.

The metabolic syndrome and its effects!

The occurrence of metabolic syndrome is very high among women and it is found that about 20-30 percent of the female population is with metabolic syndrome.

The disease is connected to various health conditions, unique to women’s health, such as gestational diabetes, polycystic ovary syndrome, yeast infections, female sexual dysfunction, menstrual irregularities, and pregnancy-induced hypertension.

Metabolic syndrome is also connected with fatty liver (accumulation of fat in the liver), leading to the development of inflammation.

The syndrome also affects the kidneys, as it is connected to microalbuminuria — the protein leakage into the urine. It is a clear sign of kidney damage.

Other health conditions associated with the metabolic syndrome are sleep apnea, greater risk of dementia, and cognitive decline with the aging process.

Contributing factors of metabolic syndrome!

As with many medical conditions, genetics as well as the environmental factors play vital role in the development of the metabolic syndrome.

A genetic factor such as a family history of hypertension, early heart disease and type II diabetes puts you at a greater risk of developing metabolic syndrome.

In addition, the environmental factors such as low activity level, inactive standard of living, and rapid weight gain significantly puts you at risk of developing metabolic syndrome.

The other factors responsible for the development of metabolic syndrome in women are smoking, frequent consumption of alcohol, excessive eating of high carbonate food, and post-menopausal condition. Insulin resistance also plays a vital role in the development of metabolic syndrome (MBS).

Identifying the metabolic syndrome is very important, as it is very serious and dangerous to the health. However, the good news about metabolic syndrome is you can prevent, control or even reverse the syndrome.

Metabolic syndrome and treatment options!

The treatment of metabolic syndrome should focus on both the underlying cause of the syndrome, as well as the risk factors of cardiovascular diseases, if they exist.

As the metabolic syndrome is associated with obesity, the syndrome is more common in people with overweight and that leads to a sedentary standard of living.

So, modification to the lifestyle can effectively treat metabolic syndrome in women. Weight reduction process usually requires a specifically designed program including diet and an exercise routine.

Medications are also useful from time to time. Cosmetic surgery to take away body fat is also effective in treating metabolic syndrome.

It is good to follow a Mediterranean diet, a new diet trend that is rich in good fats with good amount of carbohydrates and proteins. Also, follow an exercise regimen for about thirty minutes for five days a week. It provides effective results on cholesterol levels, blood pressure, and insulin sensitivity.

Therefore, preventing the metabolic syndrome in women is achievable by following a healthy lifestyle.

Factors That Contribute To Metabolic Syndrome In Women! was last modified: February 26th, 2011 by admin2
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