Facing Bladder Leakage and Its Consequences

Bladder leakage is also known as urinary incontinence and there are millions of women who have to deal with problems of this kind.

While in some cases there is only a mild leakage while coughing, sneezing, laughing or running, in other cases we might be talking about larger amounts of urine.

Which women are affected by leakage of bladder?

The truth is that women are twice as likely to experience it as men. This is because they have to go through childbirth, pregnancy and menopause, and the urine tract also has a different structure. Naturally there are some other reasons as well, such as neurologic injury, stroke, birth defects, physical problems or multiple sclerosis.

When it comes to leakage of bladder we also have to note that older women are also more likely to experience it than younger women. Nonetheless we can’t say that it is inevitable, because it is a medical condition.

This means that your doctor could help you find the source of the problem. Still you shouldn’t think that there is a solution that works for everybody.

Why does bladder leakage occur?

In the majority of the cases incontinence occurs because there is something wrong with the nerves and muscles that hold the urine. The urine is stored in an organ that works like a balloon. The urethra is connected to the bladder which is a tube that conducts the urine out from the body.

You should also know about leakage of bladder that during urination the muscles of the bladder contract and they force the urine into the urethra. Then the muscles of the urethra relax and they allow the urine to leave the body. Leakage happens when the muscles of the bladder contract and the sphincter muscles aren’t able to hold the urine back.

Stress incontinence

There are several reasons for which incontinence could occur. The different actions such as coughing, sneezing, laughing and other movements put pressure on the bladder, leading to bladder leakage.

Physical changes could also help the problems appear, such as childbirth, pregnancy and menopause. This kind of incontinence can be treated in the majority of the cases.

Childbirth and events of this kind could cause damage to the scaffolding that supports the bladder. The vagina, pelvic muscles and ligaments support the bladder, and in case they weaken, the bladder pushes down, against the vagina. This is why leakage of bladder could occur.

It is good to know that this kind of leakage of bladder could get worse during the week before your period. This is because of the lowered estrogen levels.

Urge incontinence

If you experience bladder leakage without any warning and you just feel an urge to urinate most probably you are facing urge incontinence. Usually this is caused by abnormal bladder contraction that could be caused by abnormal nerve signals.

In this case bladder leakage could happen during your sleep, when you drink some water or in case you hear water running. Some medications and fluids could make the situation worse.

Facing Bladder Leakage and Its Consequences was last modified: February 10th, 2012 by Swathi
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