7 Ways Anxiety and Stress affects Women’s life

Stress is a requisite part of engaging with life. Planning, overcoming obstacles and achieving goals all require it. However, when stress is unremitting and unmanageable, it compromises our health. In this article, you will learn the effects of stress throughout the body. Stress management is as integral management is as integral to a healthy lifestyle as healthy eating, exercise, and sleep.

Physical Effects of Anxiety on health

  1. Brain
    Under stress, the hypothalamus signs the ANS and the pituitary gland to release cortisol and epinephrine, the stress hormones. Excessive cortisol can interfere with learning and memory. Elevated levels of cortisol may increase the risk of mental illness.
  2. Cardiovascular system
    Stress increases the risk of heart attack, hypertension, and stroke. A study of the nurse in Denmark showed work pressure put women at a higher risk of cardiovascular disease. A study of white-collar worker in Beijing showed that in women only, job strain increased the thickness of the carotid artery an early sign of heart disease.
  3. Respiratory system
    Stress can cause, labored breathing, asthma attacks, rapid breathing and panic attack.
  4. Muscles
    Stress can cause increased muscle tension, chronic musculoskeletal pain, tension headache, muscle tension serve enough to limit activity can lead to atrophy.
  5. Liver
    During the fight or flight response, the liver secretes increased glucose. For some vulnerable populations, such as Native Americans and people who are already overweight, the extra sugar in the blood stream can cause diabetes.
  6. Digestion
    Oesophagus- smoking or overacting due to stress can cause heartburn and acid reflux. The stomach can cause butterflies, nausea, and pain. The bowel can lead to constipation or diarrhea.
  7. Reproduction
    High levels of stress can cause missed periods, cramping and longer periods. Delay of ovulation, which can affect fertility. Stress and the consequent fatigue can reduce sexual desire. Increased symptoms of PMS cramping, bloating and mood swings.

Social Factors that Increases Stress

If you have a thought what causes anxiety? Here are few anxiety attack symptoms you can relate to.

  • Working in a male-dominated profession, where women make up 15% or less of the workforce can deregulate cortisol levels.
  • Unremitting car of others children’s, aging parents and spouses.
  • The lifetime prevalence of violence against women is 16-50 %.
  • Women whose work is highly stressful have a 40% increased risk of heart diseases.
  • Women who worry about losing their jobs are more likely to be diagnosed with high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and obesity.
  • Socioeconomic disadvantage
  • Gender-based 1 in 5 women will suffer rape or attempted rape in their lifetimes.
  • The lifetime prevalence of violence against women is 16-5-%

Factors that reduce stress in women

  • Having autonomy and control in the face of difficulties.
  • Having access to financial and material resources. This results in more choices.
  • Healthy relationships.

Stress reducing Techniques 

Bellow discussed are the best treatment for the anxiety.

Just a few minutes a day of meditation can help ease your stress and anxiety. Researchers suggest that daily meditation may alter the brain’s neural pathways, making you more resilient to stress.

Breathe deeply
When you are feeling stressed take the time to focus on breathing deeply. Close your eyes, sit up straight and focus on nothing but the way you breathing.

Reach out
By having a solid social support system is a key to reducing stress. Reach out to close friends and your family in times of need.

Exercise is to increase the feel good hormone such as endorphin, that can help you to reduce stress. A long walk can give you time to reflect, while an intense gym session can let you release negative energy.

laughter may not be the best medicine, but it does actually lower cortisol also known as the stress hormones.

Listen to music
Research has shown that listening to soothing music can lower blood pressure, heart rate, and anxiety. Alternatively, listening to more upbeat music can also help by invigorating you.

Be grateful
Keep a running log of everything you are grateful for. The simple act of creating this will help you focus on the good in your life.

Accept you can control everything
This one is simple sometimes you just have to step back and realize that you cannot control everything. Some things are out of your hands, so why waste time stressing about them.

Stay positive
It is not easy to always stay positive, but you can make an active effort to try and find the positivity in your life. Does not focus on negative thoughts like bad things always happen to me?

Do something fun
Do not forget to take some time to really enjoy yourself. Find a hobby that enthralls you, do activities that you enjoy. Surround yourself with people that you have fun with.

All these above discussed are the treatment of anxiety, if you find any symptoms of stress or you think effects of stress on your body. Then you should treat depression and anxiety in a Very natural way by the above natural stress relievers.

7 Ways Anxiety and Stress affects Women’s life was last modified: July 25th, 2017 by Mounica
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