If you are a working mom, the thoughts of feeding your new born child must always be hovering over your mind. Most moms prefer pumping out their milk and keeping it contained, using a breast pump, for when they are not around their baby. But breast pump may not always work for everyone.

Challenges a breast pump can pose to a mother::

  • Nipple soreness
  • Inefficient pumping
  • Speed of pumping

Are you facing any of the above challenges? If yes, then we might know the culprit behind it. It is your breast pump flange; the part that latches on to the nipple and sucks the milk out.

Being away from the baby and handling milk engorgement could be a big challenge for a working mother. All you need is the right flange to manage and meet your baby’s nutritional demands, without having to go through the pain of sore nipple and multiple pumping cycles.

Had you taken an informed decision beforehand, then you would be aware of such troubles. Alas, it is never too late.  Finding the right flange size requires you to measure your nipple diameter, so as to avoid the discomfort due to a tight flange and eliminate the inefficiency in milk pumping.

A Bonus tip:

The nipple size and elasticity may change over time and so will the Flange Fit. If you feel any discomfort or change in the supply of milk, do check back the flange and nipple fit to determine whether the flange needs to be replaced.
