Tests And Treatments

cosmetic surgeries among women

6 Most Popular Cosmetic Surgeries Among Women

With more and more people getting conscious about their looks, cosmetic surgeries have gained huge popularity. This is particularly true among women who are...
buttock augmentation

Buttock Augmentation: Everything you Need to Know

Buttock augmentation or butt implant is a surgical procedure or a plastic surgery process which is opted for by those who wish to uplift...
tests every woman should have

5 Tests Every Woman Should Have

Women are good about putting everyone else’s health and well-being ahead of their own. Although we typically take better care of ourselves than our...
know all about dilation and curettage

Know all About Dilation and Curettage

Dilation and curettage is a brief surgical process which involves the dilation of the cervix and scraping of the uterine lining using a special...

Who Should Have Prenatal DNA Testing?

Prenatal DNA testing is seen by some as a major taboo and by others as just another task and test of pregnancy. For those...
various side effects of dilation and curettage

The Various Side Effects of Dilation and Curettage

Dilation and curettage (D and C) is a process or a procedure wherein the cervix of the uterus gets expanded or dilated in order...

Trigeminal Neuralgia: What Women Need to Know

Most of us know that women are at a greater risk than men for developing a number of illnesses. Indeed, heart disease, type 2...
bone mineral density test

Why Should you go for Bone Mineral Density Test?

A bone mineral density test is a quantitative mean of calcium and other bone minerals in an area or segment of your bone. The...