
Excess Hip Fat Bad For Memory

A lot pivots on whether your body type is the apple (excess weight around the middle) or the pear (more weight around the hips)...

Is Convenience Store Making You Fat?

It may, on the face of it be a rather strange question to be asking, but it is just this question that was answered...

Can Stress Make You Fat? How Weight Gain And Stress Are...

For a while now, experts have understood the connection between a person’s stress levels and their weight. Women who have weight issues or are trying...

BMI May Be Inaccurate Indicator Of Women’s Obesity

It turns out that more American women can be classified as obese and not less, when methods of analysis other than BMI are used...

Do All Women Have A Fear Of Being Fat?

Here is more evidence of how harmful are the media images that women are constantly being bombarded with; and how an unrealistic ‘thin’ ideal...

Maternal Obesity Dangerous For Children

We know that it is important for women to be fit and within the recommended weight brackets during pregnancy for their own good health. Now...

Being Overweight Can Contribute To Pelvic Organ Prolapse

When a woman's pelvic muscles are weak, she may suffer a pelvic organ or uterine prolapse, when the pelvic organs drop down...

The Risks Associated With Obesity In Women

Obesity is one of the biggest health issues worldwide today. It is estimated that over fifty percent of all women are now considered overweight,...